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We did our first Substack Livestream (and we had fun!)

Take a peek with us.

🔥 Hot News 🔥 Earlier this week, Substack launched a live video streaming option for bestselling authors, and curious as we are, we already gave it a try!

Here are the hard facts:

  • Who Can Access: Right now, the feature is available only to creators with a Bestsellers badge.

  • How It Works: Creators can start live videos via the Substack app by pressing the orange "+" button and selecting "Live video." Camera and microphone access will need to be granted. You can choose to make your live stream available to everyone, your subscribers, or paid subscribers only. So it comes with great options to include exclusivity. On our first try, we went live for everyone, assuming that early streams might get decent visibility since the feature is still new.

  • Collaboration: You can invite other Substack members to join your livestream. Currently, only iOS users can send invites. Android users can stream but not invite others.

  • After the Stream: Once the live session ends, a recording is saved as a post draft. This allows creators to repurpose the video in future newsletters (just like this post you’re reading!) A clipping tool is also provided for light editing, enabling creators to share highlights on Substack's Notes feature or other platforms. These options make it quite easy to repurpose and share your video content.

  • Purpose: Live streaming is designed to enhance real-time interaction with subscribers, making it suitable for events like live discussions, breaking news, and behind-the-scenes content​

During the session, Philip and Jari discussed various questions related to entrepreneurship, online writing, Substack, hobbies, and relationships:

  • 🧡 What do you love most about writing on Substack?

  • 🚀 What is the main goal you want to achieve with the Substack Mastermind by the end of the year?

  • 🧘‍♂️ How do you balance business and personal life with your partner, both being entrepreneurs?

  • 💬 If someone is struggling to grow on Substack, what’s the one piece of advice you’d give them?

  • ❌ What’s one misconception you had about entrepreneurship that turned out to be wrong?

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