Some great suggestions there. Love the important words at the start and end of a headline. I’ve just proven that to myself with my last piece. Will remember for future.

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#6 and #12 are my favorite. Great read!

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Great tips. I’ve been striving to follow your instructions for a couple of years now and it’s good to get a refresher!

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I'm making a checklist for my writing with these tips!

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I love the #15 great advice. We are humans not a robot. As we try to be perfect but no, the humanity should still exist in our writing. Because that's how we could all connect to one another. Thank you for this.

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Love the point about filler words. I can be guilty of this too! Other filler words we could all use less to strengthen our writing are: “actually”, “quite” and “perhaps”.

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I love the high Rate of Revelation

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Great list!

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#4 was exactly what I needed to hear right now

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Simple tips that work. Great advice.

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Don’t try to be perfect.

Great advice. Terrific article

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