SMM #001: The Easiest Way To Improve As A Writer
3 Questions to quickly create more engaging content...
Welcome to the first edition of Substack Mastermind Monday!
Every week, we’ll share the most valuable notes (created by our Substack Mastermind members) to help you grow your audience, build your online business, and get a spark of inspiration to start the new week motivated and energized.
Note Of The Week
The note of the week is from our Substack Mastermind member
. 👇Will is right.
The fastest way to improve as a content creator is to analyze the posts that you enjoyed reading yourself.
Ask yourself:
Why did it grab my attention?
What made me enjoy reading it?
How was it formatted and structured?
Study the content you enjoy consuming, extract the lessons from it, and use it to create more engaging content yourself.
Other Featured Notes
Here are other featured notes from our Substack Mastermind members.
» On the power of Substack by 👇
» A powerful productivity tip by
👇» A practical Substack tip by
👇» On the power of getting started by
👇» On the courage you need to join the game by 👇
Let Us Know Your Favorite Note
Which of these notes is your favorite? And why?
Let us know in the comments. 👇
Grateful to be included here among all these amazing writers.
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing this.