10 Systems That Helped Us Go From 0 To 4,500+ Subscribers On Substack (In 6 Months)
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Growing your Substack without a plan is like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping something sticks.
Sure, you might get lucky here and there, but luck isn’t exactly a reliable growth strategy.
If you want to grow your Substack (and turn it into an extra source of revenue), you need the right systems.
It’s because of systemizing our approach to Substack that we’ve been able to go from zero to 4,500+ subscribers - and become Substack bestsellers - in just six months.
So, in this article, I’ll share ten of the most effective systems for writing Notes, building a thriving publication, collaborations, and monetization, so you can take your publication to the next level in 2025.
Part 1: Systems For Writing Notes
Substack Notes is hands down one of the best ways to grow your audience on Substack. Here are the three systems we use for writing Notes.
System 1: Post 1x A Day
We post at least one Note a day, which has gained us at least 1,200 new subscribers to our publication.
By posting at least one Note a day, we stay on top of people’s minds as we show up daily on their feeds. This is key when it comes to building a deeper connection with existing subscribers and getting in front of new readers.
Don’t overcomplicate your Notes. It doesn’t have to be an essay. Instead, Notes are perfect for quick, bite-sized tips and ideas.
But all in all, commit to posting one Note daily.
System 2: Batch Produce Notes
Some days, inspiration just isn’t there. That’s why I recommend batching Notes in advance.
Sit down for 30 minutes and brainstorm 10-15 ideas. Then, keep them handy for those “I have no idea what to post” days.
Also, repurpose some of the best paragraphs, quotes, and insights from your long-form post and turn them into Notes.
No need to overcomplicate things.
System 3: Use Templates
The way you format a Note plays a big part in how much engagement it will get.
If it’s formatted in a boring way (e.g. long sentences, complicated words, and no whitespace), people will scroll straight past your Note.
That’s why I’m a big fan of creating and using templates for Notes.
The Notes below all make use of templates we have created for ourselves over time:
Part 2: Systems For Building A Thriving Publication
Your publication is the backbone of success on Substack. To build a thriving publication, follow these two systems.
System 1: Stick to a Consistent Publishing Schedule
If there’s one thing that will fast-track your Substack growth, it’s sticking to a consistent publishing schedule.
(I recommend at least one long-form post per week.)
Consistency keeps you top of mind. The more your audience sees your name in their inbox, the more they feel connected to you.
That connection turns casual readers into loyal subscribers (and eventually, paid ones).
System 2: Focus on 1-3 Core Topics
You want people to associate you (and your publication) with 1-3 core topics.
If you’re writing about everything - or it’s unclear what your publication is about - people are unlikely to subscribe.
Why? Because the value isn’t obvious to them.
When you subscribe to a newsletter, you’re usually looking for specific insights, advice, or ideas.
That’s why, our publication focuses on three core topics:
Audience Growth
Building a Writing Business (like creating digital products and offers)
Substack Growth & Monetization
So, think about what your audience wants and needs. Think about their goals, challenges, and problems.
Then, think about what you enjoy writing about. The 1-3 core topics of your Substack publication should sit at the intersection of those two things.
Part 3: Systems For Growing Through Collaborations
Collaborating with other creators doesn’t just make Substack more fun, it’s also one of the best ways to grow your Substack. To make it work, follow these two systems.
System 1: Guest Posting
Guest posting allows you to put your work in front of an audience another creator has already built.
In other words, you can directly get yourself in front of 100s or 1000s of people who might’ve never heard of you otherwise.
If you want to start guest posting more often, here’s what I recommend:
Find the right publications: Look for creators with audiences that overlap with yours. They don’t need to be in the exact same niche, but there should be some shared interests.
Pitch thoughtfully: Don’t just say, “Can I write a guest post for you?” Instead, pitch specific content ideas and explain why their audience would benefit from your piece.
Bring your best work: Your guest post is often someone’s first impression of your writing, so make it count. Share actionable insights, compelling stories, or valuable tips that make readers want more. Don’t hold back.
So, reach out, collaborate, and get your work in front of new readers. It’s 100% worth the effort.
System 2: Swapping Recommendations
If you’re not leveraging newsletter recommendations on Substack, you’re missing out on one of the easiest ways to grow your audience.
This simple strategy helped us gain over 2,000 new subscribers, and all we had to do was reach out to other creators asking if they wanted to swap recommendations.
If you want to get more newsletter recommendations, here are a few key tips:
Connect with other creators first: Don’t slide into someone’s DMs with a cold pitch asking to swap recommendations straightaway - it’s not a great look. Instead, engage with their content first. Once you’ve established some rapport, it’s much easier (and more natural) to suggest a recommendation swap.
Don’t limit yourself to your niche: You don’t need to stick strictly to publications in your exact niche. The key is to find some overlap in your audiences.
Reach out to bigger publications: Bigger creators say yes more often than you’d think. Don’t let the size of their audience intimidate you.
In short, newsletter recommendations are one of the most powerful (and underused) growth systems on Substack. Use it.
Part 4: Systems To Monetize Your Substack
Monetizing your Substack is the most fun part (I mean, who doesn’t want to get paid for their work?). But to do this successfully, you need to follow these three systems.
System 1: Make Your Paid Tier Irresistable
If you want to get people to join your paid tier, the value they get has to be much higher than the price they pay for it. That’s when it becomes an ‘irresistible’ offer.
In other words, what can you include in your paid tier that makes it a complete no-brainer to join?
Here are some ideas to increase the value of your paid tier:
E-Books or Guides: Write short e-books or PDF guides that solve specific problems for your audience.
Live Monthly Sessions: Host live Q&A sessions or workshops to give your subscribers a chance to interact with you directly (and create a sense of community).
Tools & Templates: Share templates, spreadsheets, or frameworks that save your audience time and effort.
Workshops or Mini-Courses: Offer workshops or mini-courses (1 - 2 hour courses) that help your subscribers solve a specific problem or achieve a desired result.
With our publication, we offer at least one live training session a month, a range of mini-courses & workshops, in-depth guides, and exclusive articles.
This significantly increases the value of our paid Substack versus our free plan - and it’s a big reason why so many people joined our paid plan in a relatively short time.
System 2: Stick To A Consistent Paid Content Schedule
Decide how often you’ll publish paid content (for example, weekly or bi-weekly) and stick to it.
If you only publish paid content every now and then, people are more likely to cancel their subscriptions.
System 3: Consistently Promote Your Paid Tier
You can have the most valuable paid tier in the world, but if nobody knows it exists, you won’t get any paid subscribers. That’s why promotion is key.
Promoting doesn’t mean you have to become an aggressive, pushy marketer.
It just means talking about your paid plan more often. It means letting people know it’s there, what they’ll get out of it, and why it’s worth paying for.
Here’s how we do it:
In every free post, we link to at least one (but often more) premium resource that builds on the topic of that free post
We regularly share snippets of our premium content in our Notes
We make most of our premium content free to read for about 25 - 50% and then we add a paywall (see the Free + Paywall Strategy in this article)
Treat your paid tier like a product you’re proud of. If you genuinely believe it delivers value, don’t hesitate to talk about it.
Registration for our brand-new Substack Growth Masterclass is now OPEN.
Click here to secure your spot and show up live to learn how to grow your audience and income on Substack in 2025.
Systems = Consistent Growth
Building a successful Substack isn’t about luck—it’s about systems.
When you systemize your approach to Substack, you take control of your growth instead of leaving it to chance.
Which of these systems is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!
Great information. Thanks for sharing it.
Love these systems, going to share this in my newsletter :)